Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Design Your Own Cantilever Racking System

Cantilever racks store any goods just as long as they can handle the required weight. This is true among heavy materials like pipes, lumbers, and similar items. You want your cantilever racking system to be durable enough to carry heavy products; hence, customizing it may be the best pursuit. However, before you go on designing your rack, -there are few questions you need to ask yourself first.

1.       What will be the height of my rack?

The height of your rack will depend on the materials you are going to store in it, its volume, and the available space in your storage room. Generally, the height of a typical cantilever rack ranges from 12 feet to about 16 feet. 

2.       How many towers should I need?

Towers are needed to keep the whole rack as sturdy as possible. You want to decide on the number of towers, especially when you need to store a huge volume of materials. The towers are usually placed in the middle of the rack to avoid the materials from falling.

3.       Do I need double-sided or single-sided racks?

This will depend on your storage space. If you want to maximize the storage capacity of your rack, then double-sided cantilever racking system is for you. However, if you want to conserve your storage space and you do not have to store large items at a time, the single-sided rack may be your best choice.

4.       How many storage levels do I need?

Do you need to store different materials at one rack? Then you need to add more levels. The bases are considered as a storage level and usually, the materials are stored from heaviest to lightest. The heaviest is placed at the bottom, lightest on top. You need to determine the type of item and the weight of each item that you will store in your racking system.

5.       How many arms do I need?

Just like the number of level, you need to decide on the number of arms for your rack. Basically, two arms are needed for single-sided racking, and 4 arms are required for the double-sided ones. The length of the arms should measure between24 inches and 48 inches in length.

Other factors to consider include the number and size of bases and the x-braces. To know more about cantilever racking systems, visit http://msshouston.com/cantilever-racking.html.

Monday, February 10, 2014

How Steel Mezzanines Aid in a Successful Business

A mezzanine provides additional space. If a building has a high ceiling, the space can be maximized by constructing a mezzanine to accommodate other functions. A building with more than 500 mm of space can be installed with steel mezzanines. This will aid not just in saving the floor space but in saving money as well. Steel mezzanines can be customized according to purpose.

Benefits of Steel Mezzanines

There are different kinds of mezzanines that can be customized for a business. This could be used in retail stores, warehouse areas and office space.

·         One of the most common forms of steel mezzanines is called the retail mezzanine floor. It is a way to accommodate more goods by using the ceiling space. This type of layout is perfect for bulk orders especially when a business supplies goods to different clients. Retail stores also have mezzanine floors to keep an ample stock ready for selling. This will save the transportation cost in going to and from the warehouse.

·         Another type of steel mezzanine is designed for warehouse storage. Huge and bulky materials like wood, pipes and other equipments can be stored in perfect condition for a long period of time. Steel mezzanines are usually customized for this purpose. The design should be sturdy enough to withstand damages, and high enough to be easily reached by a forklift.

·         Nowadays, offices are now installed with mezzanine floors. This will lessen the cost of rent especially when the business has to expand. It also provides easier communication and supervision since employees can easily access different departments without having to visit one floor to another.

Mezzanine floors are very economical. In fact, it is cheaper than buying or renting additional space. The price will depend on the size of the floor and the design of the mezzanine. Typically, it amounts to about $150 per square meter. There are companies who offer affordable rates like in Material Storage System Inc. This company has been operating for years and has been providing quality steel mezzanines for hundreds of clients. To know more about their services, visit their official website at http://msshouston.com/cantilever-racking-20/uncategorised/steel-mezzanine/.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Cantilever Racking Safe Usage

Cantilever racking is one of the most important aspects in a storage system, especially when heavy materials are to be placed in a safe and confined area. However, installation can be costly and so proper maintenance should be considered for long-time use. Taking necessary precautions is needed to promote long-term stability of the materials; this is also to avoid users getting into harm’s way.
Here are the 5 most important steps to take to ensure safe use of cantilever racks. 
1.       Careful placing of the materials. Heavy materials have to be carefully handled and stored. Just like parking a vehicle, make sure that there will be no damage done to the cantilever rack and to the materials. Most of the time, a forklift is used to place the materials into the racks. Make sure that the forklift operator is well-trained to place the load as carefully as possible.

2.       All personnel involved in the storage should be well-informed on the safety precaution of storing heavy materials. There should be an allotted proximity where the personnel remain safe in case they get hit by a heavy load. This should be applied when loading and unloading heavy materials.

3.       Check for proper installation. The installed cantilever racks must be placed on even concrete. This will ensure that the racks will not sway when heavy materials are stored. Some companies use metal shims in case further adjustment of columns and bases are needed.

4.       Never crawl under the cantilever rack and never climb on top of it. In case a material has to be unloaded, it has to be done with a forklift or other equipment’s. The cantilever racking can also be customized so that people will not have to climb or crawl around the cantilever rack. Catwalk systems usually are installed, or metal ladders are considered for this purpose.

5.       By default, the heavy materials are put at the lowest levels, and the light ones are on the top. Make sure that all personnel know the weight of every material placed into the racks. If using tandem racks, it is essential to distribute the weight evenly on each side.

Cantilever racking is truly essential in storing heavy materials. However, for safety reasons, it has to be used the proper way. 

The Fabrication Process of Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a versatile material used for a wide range of structures. The fabricating process will enhance the durability of the stainless steel so it can be maximized for long term use. Basically, there is a 3 step process in the fabrication of stainless steel, the welding, work hardening and machining. There is a process called custom fabrication in which the stainless steel is constructed via the requirements of a particular industry.

Work Hardening

Work hardening is done to further strengthen the steel. There may be deformations present in the steel and this can be avoided through hardening techniques. The hardening condition of the steel depends on the grade of the alloy. For example, the carbon-made ones are more prone to deformation than the austenitic-made steels. The latter is commonly used for custom fabrication.

The rates of the steel also vary. There are cases in which the austenitic ones need to have a hardening rate of 1,000 MPa, since it absorbs cold more frequently than the other types. However, the typical rate is around 800MPa.

Machining Process

The machining process is done with several considerations as it will define the shape of the steel. Machining is a laborious job, it requires experts to do the entire process. Initially, the steel has to be applied with lubricants to avoid any chipping. It is also important that the machine tool for machining is sharp enough to cut through edges efficiently, and with a reduce vibration feature. Machining can also be achieved chipped-free by means of adding an alloyed manganese sulfide.

Welding the Stainless Steel

The steels are welded to create a new structure. There are several types that can be welded but the composition of steel will affect the level of efficiency. The austenitic steels are perfect types to be welded. However, this type is also susceptible for corrosion especially when the material is thick. Other good welding steels are the martensitic, duplex and ferritic stainless steels.

Steels are great for custom fabrication but there are other materials considered to ensure strength and durability. 

Storing PVC Pipes the Right Way

PVC is one of the most widely used plastics around the word. It is short for polyvinyl chloride, a type of plastic that is more effective than other materials like wood, copper or iron. PVC is used in many products including electrical cables, upholstery and even clothing. In the plumbing industry, PVC pipes are preferred due to its flexibility and durability.

Storing PVC pipes is easy but it has to be stored the right way. The use of cantilever racks may be considered so that the pipes can still be as good as new when it is time to be used. PVC pipes can also acquire damages from ultraviolet light. When exposed, the pipes will become brittle and so they crack easily when installed.

Here are 4 ways to store these types of pipes:

·         Wipe every end of the PVC pipe with a dry rag. This will provide a clean surface so that the duct tape can stick to every end of it without the accumulation of dust.

·         The duct tape used should be about ¼ inch larger than the diameter of the pipe. This is the ideal to avoid the PVC pipes from sticking to each other’s end. In case the duct tape causes stickiness, use a solvent to remove it. However, remember that solvents can damage the surface of the pipe. Better use the right duct tape size than using a solvent.

·         Every open end of the PVC pipe should have a firmly placed duct tape. This is to guarantee that the PVC pipe will incur damage over time. Now, place the pipe on the cantilever racks but make sure that the rack is stable enough to stack the pipes together.

·         Finally, lay a tap over the pipes so that it will be protected from the ultraviolet light. If the pipes are already stored in a covered area, be sure that that the pipes will never be exposed to PVC light.

These are the ways on how to store the PVC pipes effectively, and there are cantilever racks especially made for this purpose.